Flooding Causes Repairs To Roadway and Beach Accesses
Midway Fire Rescue would like to inform the public of multiple beach access closures and a bridge repair that will be happening in our area over the next few weeks. The closings are for your safety. Please do not pass the posted signs at each roadway and beach access.
Severe beach erosion due to rain and flooding events earlier this month have necessitated the closing of several Georgetown County-maintained beach accesses. Much of the structural damage is located on the dune side of the accesses and may not be apparent to users attempting access from parking areas. These structures are closed because they are unsafe to use until repaired. The public should not attempt to use these access points until they have been reopened. Litchfield Beach Access Numbers 61, 62, 63, 64 65 and 66 are closed until further notice while county staff works to repair damages. Repairs are underway and accesses will be reopened individually as repairs are completed.
In addition to the accesses, the bridge at South Causeway will be closed during the day from October 20th though the 22nd. It is undergoing repairs by the SC DOT. They will open the bridge back up at 7 P.M. each night.
Pictures Courtesy of Georgetown County S.C.