Happy Retirement Chief Blomdahl
November 28th marks the end of era as Division Chief Fire Marshal Todd Blomdahl retires after 22 years of service to the department and the community; first as a Firefighter/EMT, then as a Fire Inspector, and finally as the Division Chief Fire Marshal for the last 15 years. Chief Blomdahl has been responsible for a plans review and code enforcement programs that ensured all new and existing businesses in the district fall in line with all applicable fire and life safety codes, thus ensuring the safety of the citizens, visitors, and firefighters of the district. He has managed to accomplish this through a spirit of education and cooperation further enhancing the positive reputation of the department in the community. In addition he has overseen and created a highly regarded all hazards public education program that has been recognized 5 times as the best program in the state and has no doubt contributed to minimizing injuries, fatalities, and fire loss in our community. Congratulations on your retirement and best wishes for the future Chief Blomdahl. Thanks for all you have done. You will be missed. In the photo below Chief Eggiman presents Chief Blomdahl a plaque thanking him for his service.