Firefighter For A Day!
Midway Fire Rescue, Station 81, welcomed 4-year-old Cooper Burt and his grandmother Scott Adams as part of its annual Firefighter for a Day program. The two had breakfast and lunch at the fire house with staff and then spent the day learning how firefighters spend their days, as well as receiving information on fire safety.
Cooper got to wear a child size firefighters uniform and learned age-appropriate information, such as Stop, Drop and Roll, and what to do if he is ever in a building where he sees smoke or fire. He grandmother received some more advanced lessons, including about some of the high tech equipment firefighters use, the costs associated with that equipment, and the vigorous training firefighers have to go through.
At the end of the day, they got Midway T-shirts, a Midway coin, Midway trading cards for Cooper, and certificates declaring them honorary members of the Midway team.
The program is offered annually through a charity silent auction, and allows Midway to educate the public and promote fire safety, while supporting local charitable causes. The program can be tailored for any age, and isn't just for kids, said Chief Doug Eggiman. Last year's winners were a married couple celebrating their anniversary.